The District Horticulture Department has successfully distributed 100 quintals of potato seeds to 125 farmers, marking a significant step in promoting potato cultivation in the region. According to the department’s data, potato farming extends across more than 400 hectares in the district.
Seed Distribution and Cultivation Area
District Horticulture Officer Mamta Singh reported that potato cultivation this year will cover more than 400 hectares of land. The department has already completed the distribution of 100 quintals of potato seeds among 125 farmers, demonstrating the government’s commitment to supporting local agriculture.
Optimal Planting Conditions
Farmers are advised to plant potatoes when the maximum and minimum day-night temperatures hover around 25 degrees Celsius. This temperature range provides ideal conditions for potato cultivation and ensures optimal growth.
Disease Prevention and Seed Treatment
The department strongly emphasizes the importance of seed treatment before planting. Planting untreated potato seeds can lead to several diseases, including:
- Late blight disease
- Potato wart disease
- Potato scab disease
- Black scurf disease
Of particular concern is the late blight pathogen, which can spread through infected seed potatoes. Under favorable weather conditions, this disease can rapidly develop and cause significant crop damage. Similarly, other seed-borne diseases can severely impact both potato yield and quality.